Legislative Taskforce

Task Force for the 87th Legislative Session.

Contact this committee - Chairs [Ash Hall - PC242 | Arthur Simone - PC122 ]

Finance and Fundraising Committee 

assists the TCDP with fundraising to elect Democrats and organize Travis County
Contact this committee - Chairs [Daniel Sagura-Kelly - PC101 | Sabrina Sha - PC152 ]

Policy, Issues, and Legislation Committee

responsible for preliminary review, research, education, and recommending action on issues to be brought before the CEC
Contact this committee - Chair [Chair Moved - Not Meeting]

Precinct Chair Training and Support Committee

responsible for the development of a modularized, skill-based, sustainable training program for precinct chairs

Contact this committee - Chairs [Marvin Hecker - PC317 | Becky Bullard - PC437 ]
train4tcdp@traviscountydemocrats.org | Webpage | Facebook

Rules and Procedures Committee

reviews the most recent TDP Rules as they pertain to the County Party and the application of its bylaws. Meets as needed.

Contact this committee - Chair [Chair moved - Not currently meeting]

Campaign, Convention, and Election Activities Committee

work with the County Chair, Staff, and the CEC to develop coordinated plans for conventions and campaign activities

Contact this committee - Chair [Steven Weintraub - PC427]
eccc@traviscountydemocrats.org | Click here to contact them! |

Community Outreach and Diversity Committee

work to increase TCDP’s presence and involvement in all parts of our community

[Chair has stepped down to run for office - Not Currently Meeting]

| Facebook

Technology and Communications Committee

research and develop ways for TCDP, the CEC, and individual Precinct Chairs to use technology to streamline operations and maximize effectiveness

Contact this committee - Chair [Robert Sheldon - PC346]
zoom@traviscountydemocrats.org |